Doula Monitrice Services
About Doula Monitrice Services
At San Diego Midwife, we know how important it is to have options which is why we are excited to offer our community the services of a doula monitrice. This is an excellent option if you want to labor at home as long as possible with expert support and arrive at the hospital at the best time. Evidence supports that laboring at home longer can lead to less interventions and increased success of vaginal deliveries.
What is a doula monitrice?
A monitrice offers the same continuous labor support as a birth doula and has additional midwifery training. This training means that they can perform certain clinical assessments while supporting a family at home in the early stages of labor. Skills include: observing vital signs, fetal heart tones, vaginal exams/labor progress assessment, newborn assessment, breastfeeding help, and prenatal education. The monitrice does not perform these tasks at the hospital, birthing center, or when the midwife arrives. A monitrice does not make primary care decisions and reports directly to the midwife or physician for those instructions.
How does a monitrice differ from a regular doula?
Because our doula monitrice, Karly Nuttall, is a midwife, she has the skills to better monitor laboring clients at their homes as their labor companion (like a "doula") before their attending midwife arrives or until it is time to transfer to the hospital. She is able to monitor blood pressure, temperature, fetal heart tones, spacing of contractions, labor progression, and dilation (cervical checks) if desired. Most labor companions ("doulas") are not able to provide this kind of care, because they have not been trained to and/or their certifying organization does not allow them to.
On top of the extra skills and knowledge our doula monitrice brings, she can do all of the other typical labor companion ("doula") duties such as: offering emotional support, massage/reflexology, keeping clients hydrated and fed when hungry, explaining interventions and procedures, natural pain management, advocating for clients, etc..
Services Include:
Email communication for any questions that arise between appointments
Up to 4 prenatal visits to supplement your full schedule of prenatal visits with your OB
Monitrice services at your home, during labor, as outlined above.
2 postpartum visits
Fee for Services: $3,700
A $900 non-refundable deposit is due at the first visit
Remaining balance of $2800.00 is due by 36 weeks gestation
No refunds are given