Childbirth Classes
About our classes
Childbirth education is incredibly important for all families expecting, not just for homebirth or birth center couples but for those planning hospital births as well. Our childbirth educators discuss everything from proper nutrition for a healthy pregnancy to trust in birth, risk and benefits of pain medication in childbirth, birth plans, understanding and coping with labor, the postpartum period and much more. We have in-person childbirth education courses and an online option for classes.
Take our online midwife-led childbirth education:
Our online childbirth education class is the only exclusively midwife-led online childbirth education course. It is taught by our very own midwife & perinatal chiropractor, Dr. Chrisi Binder and draws from years of experience in holistically supporting pregnant women throughout the years. It is perfect for all mamas whether seeking homebirth, birth center or hospital-based birth and seeking to optimize prenatal health and get informed on your choices during this very important time in life.
The outline of our online course includes:
Pregnancy run-down
Prenatal healthcare options
Prenatal providers (midwife vs. OB)
Prenatal testing
Optimizing prenatal health
Prenatal exercise
Prenatal nutrition
Stages of labor
Optimal fetal positioning
Medical interventions
Induction methods
Unexpected situations
Comfort measures
Support in labor
Understanding your stress responses
Relaxation techniques
Breathing tools
Doula care
Medical options for pain relief
What to expect postpartum
Postpartum recovery tips & tricks
Postpartum nutrition
Breastfeeding basics
How to take care of a newborn
PLUS tons of helpful handouts including:
Customizable (& cute) birth plan
Midwife guide to contractions & water breaking
Midwife guide to labor
Medical intervention guide
Natural baby registry must-haves
Prenatal health assessment
NORA tea recipe
Holistic support for clogged ducts & mastitis
You’ll receive lots of practical information regarding the different stages of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the care of your newborn child through thought-provoking dialogue, memorable exercises and interesting videos.
We strive to provide answers to all your important questions. Our approach to childbirth education is based on a holistic model: exploring not only the physiology of childbirth and pregnancy, but also the implications of the physiological and emotional aspects of the birth experience.
Our classes help pregnant women and their partners clarify their values, release fear, cultivate intuition and develop confidence for childbirth and parenting. They will help you to make more informed choices about birth and the care of your baby based on knowledge of benefits, risks and alternatives to obstetrical procedures.
Hypnobirthing classes
Birth and Parenting Preparation with Kanuwena Perryman
I am humbled and inspired by the strength, commitment and love of the hundreds of couples I’ve been honored to support in preparing for their child’s birth in my group and private classes which I began teaching in 2001. Couples who prepare for childbirth and are well supported, report having a greater sense of accomplishment and joy during and after the birth of their baby. In class you will learn what your options are, how to avoid unnecessary interventions, and align with your choices in any birth environment. You will form a deep understanding and broad perspective of the birth process and how to participate with it. You will practice pain coping, positions, touch, creating a supportive space, focusing, coping with fears, pre-natal bonding, deep relaxation, visualizations and affirmations.
Please join me, Kanuwena Perryman, wife, mother of three, sister, friend, doula, hypnotherapist, and ‘Birthing from Within’ influenced childbirth class instructor, in preparing to welcome your baby.
We are currently offering in-person childbirth education in both the private or group setting!